This page is full of great resources for you and your family. We have a great set of Videos as well!
Mental Health Matters: Part One & Two
Part 1 Older adults are particularly vulnerable to mental health concerns because of a number of factors: loss of independence, loss of a job, loss of a home, loss of a spouse or physical illness. Faith communities are uniquely positioned to provide spiritual and emotional support for older adults experiencing challenging times. This resource provides background information and resources.
Part 2 looks at how can we be a bridge over troubled water when it comes to mental health concerns. Our faith tradition values our desire to care for others in need. This value gives us meaning and purpose when we reach out to people living with loneliness or mental health conditions. To do this well, it is good to have some skills. |
Responding to Traumatic Events
The goal of Traumatic Response Care is to help re-establish safety and stability where the individual can intervene for themselves, make good judgment, and return to normal daily functioning. In time, they can heal and integrate the injuries incurred by a traumatic event. This Quicksheet provides ways to connect, assess, stabilize, educate, refer, and check back in with someone who has experienced a traumatic event.
Why Presbyterians Are Like That: Bible Study for College Kids
Young Adult Advocacy Guide
This curriculum is meant to introduce participants – whether in a group or individually – to the topic of advocacy. Young people will spend some time thinking about what advocacy means, how it can take shape in their own lives, how it fits into a life of faith and ways in which they can get involved in advocacy in the world around them. We pray that you will grow as your discern how to respond to God’s call to walk alongside the world’s people and restore the Shalom God intends for all people and creation.
The Movement of Spirit Through Gen Z
This curriculum helps congregations put into dialogue both scripture and current trends about emerging adults, commonly referred to as Generation Z (or Gen Z). Offering a better understanding of the context of collegiate ministry, and be inspired to connect with and support young adults and ministries who work with them.
Peacemaking in the Family
This resource on peacemaking within the family presents four areas of family life where peacemaking skills can build self-esteem in family members: 1. Families and Feelings 2. Living in Families and Growing as Individuals 3. Families and Hard Times 4. Families and Celebrations. For each of these four topics, there is a section with background information and a suggested curriculum design for an intergenerational event with faith communities.
"What I See At Church" Coloring Book
An interactive and instructive activity all about the sights and sounds your children will encounter once they enter the church door. Easy-to-understand explanations are paired with coloring pages that curious and creative young Christians will enjoy. Each picture provides ample opportunity for children ages 3-8 to customize with what they see in their own home parish.
A great way to encourage kids to engage in the worship service! |
Christ The King Activities
Welcome to Family Faith Nights, a series of 5 newsletters to nourish family faith life and encourage discipleship. Use as an at-home midweek family night, as an online ministry event or as a fun summer small group series. For families with children ages 12 and under.